Godly Prosperity Mega Training

(4 Courses for the price of 1!)

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This is just what the name implies: MEGA

My biggest and best Godly Prosperity Training EVER!~

(It's actually 4 Trainings in 1!)

Here's what you'll discover:

Course 1: Godly Prosperity Training Program:

✅How to Get the Blessing You Need to Carry Out God's Calling On Your Life

✅Biblical Case For God Blessing Us Financially

✅Examples of God's Blessing in the Bible

✅Foundation for Blessing

✅Making Money in Order to Bless Others

Course 2: Godly Mind Management:

✅Goal Setting Philosophy

✅Importance of Counsel

✅Mindset Training

✅Attaining Godly Holiness - Practically

✅What Does God Want For You?

✅The Power of Christ In You

✅Seeking God's Presence

Course 3: Focus and Purpose Training Program:

Introduction: How to Eliminate Distractions and Focus Relentlessly

✅ Daily plan and daily management of master plan

✅ Clarity of focus

✅ My time management process

✅ Finding your own best time management system

✅ How I got started, discussion of entrepreneurial mindset

✅ Organizing yourself for maximum efficiency and results

✅ Action management additional thoughts

✅ Thoughts on finishing one item before starting another

✅ Discussion about managing day

✅ Additional purpose thoughts from q and a

✅ Thoughts about maximizing your time in blocks and getting more done

Bonus: Church Marketing Training

Course 4: More Spiritual Training:

✅4 Spiritual Steps to Achieving Success and q and a: q and a - 4 Spiritual Steps to Success

✅Strength and Power in Your Life and Business

✅Spiritual Elements for Success

✅Steps to Prosperity

✅What the Book of Proverbs Says About Building a Thriving Business

✅The Power of Christ in Your Daily and Business Life Part 2

✅The Power of Christ in Your Daily and Business Life - Part 1

✅Activating Blessing in Your Life and Business

✅Strength and Power to Accomplish Your God-Given Tasks(my note: concise and specific)

✅How to Discover God's Plan For Your Life

✅This is the comments after the "God's Plan" training above

✅Become the Successful PERSON God Has Called You to Be

✅Success Formula - Exchange of Value - Creative Miracles

✅God's Success Formula

✅Preparing for God's Plan and Calling

✅Plan and Calling Part 2

✅From the Desert to a Champion

✅Integrated Faith in Your Online Business (With Email Campaign Example)

These 4 courses will transform your spiritual life!

Your business will turn around, your mindset with expand . . . and you'll simply feel more in touch with God!

Take action, add blessing to your business, and see things change:



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