Discover my secret to building engagement with prospects in an easy, non-stresful way.

From Sean Mize:

Dear Colleague:

Are you frustrated because you aren't getting the leads from social that you believe you are "worth"?

Have you tried to make posts on social, but you don't get enough traction?

If so, I understand.

Fortunately my first big splash online didn't require me to be social in social . . . except I was social in email.

But then I realized in order to engage the buyers, I had to be social in email.

I was using articles to bring people from google to my email, and then once they were in email I used these strategies.

Now, I use these strategies BOTH in email AND social.

Social engagement - chatting with people - is a HUGE element of my success online.

I wish I could say it's my great copywriting (it's not), my amazing charm (it's not) or my incredible selling ability (it's not).

I truly believe it comes down to building trust with words - and so often those words are a single interaction on social, or in email, or in the DMs.

This is such a powerful skill, and the truth is, I've never really taught it before.

Like, so much of it, for me, is very "intuitive"

I've learned it, yes, but when I'm actually chatting, I'm not "following a script" or "some formula," instead, it just feels natural.

So. . .. I've never felt like I could really teach it.

Well all that changed Friday night.

My wife was out, I wasn't feeling well cause I caught some bug . . .

and I went live in a social group and video taped me having ACTUAL social conversations!

This is the closest to doing it WITH me that you could ever have!

Here's what I showed:

What types of threads I target

Exactly how I post

When I write short, fast posts for speed

When I write deeper posts for engagement

My secret gif strategy

Many other nuances I just shared off-the-cuff

You can do this BEHIND me NEXT WEEK!!! (I challenge YOU to upseat me in the next 7 days !!)

Here's a screenshot of me working:

Your Image

This is my exact strategy that I've used for YEARS in email, it's the same way I chat in linkedin, and I've used it again and again to generate massive leads from social!

PLUS - I've improved it and it's working FASTER than ever before!

in fact, the proof is in the pudding . . the group I was working last week, I came in Thursday and these are the results:

Your Image

Here's what a client said after watching it:

Your Image

The 1:57 video shows you BEHIND THE SCENES

EXACTLY how I did it!

Your Image

You can do this anywhere, not just skool.

I've done this kind of thing repeatedly in the past -





and it's basically the SAME process I showed on this video, rinse and repeat.

So please don't over - focus on the location - Skool -

because you can do this anywhere you currently have an audience:

substack notes

IG reels

IG threads

X (twitter)



of course, skool

and any other social platform you want to!

The platform changes, human nature stays the same!

Here's a review of what I taught:

What types of threads I target

Exactly how I post

When I write short, fast posts for speed

When I write deeper posts for engagement

My secret gif strategy

Many other nuances I just shared off-the-cuff

You can do this BEHIND me NEXT WEEK!!! (I challenge YOU to upseat me in the next 7 days !!)

This training is worth every cent of $1000 if you want to engage any audience and convert that audience into hot leads.

It's priced at $100 for now:



Payment Methods

[HIGHLY RECOMMENDED] Important: If you want to save yourself 30+ hours of work, we strongly encourage you to upgrade your order to include my email campaign copy and paste campaign PLUS the full training I used to create it!

You can literally watcch me write a 22 email campaign in a single sitting!

I designed an onboarding campaign and wrote 22 of them AND you get a doc with the 22 emails you can copy and paste!

It's a 37 page doc of emails you can copy, clone, re-use, make your own! 

This is an EXCELLENT addition to your newsletter business, because each new subscriber who comes into your newsletter, can be automated with a 22 email campaign and you can SELL your products right in your newsletter campaign!

This is the perfect next step for your newsletter business, just add products and start the money coming in!

You CAN launch your newsletter without an email campaign and products, but this ready-to-use collection of emails makes it so much faster and easier! 

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